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59 Y.O. / Female

Michelle Admine

Ph.D, M.A., M.S., Author, Life Coach
Certified Life Coach
  • My Time Zone: MST (11:35 PM)

Cheating Spouse and Affair Recovery

Cheating Spouse

A cheating spouse is the ultimate form of betrayal. Recovering from an affair can take years of counseling, and many marriages don't survive. Regardless of whether you are the cheater or cheated, it's important you seek counseling or online therapy to save your relationship.

Most married couples swear it could never happen to them, but sadly, it's estimated that 30-60% of married individuals engage in some form of infidelity. In most cases, this act of dishonesty never comes to light, so if you suspect your spouse may be engaging in some shady business, it's important to act quickly instead of waiting for the issue to reveal itself.

Infidelity can result in some extreme emotions for both partners and like face-to-face counseling, online therapy offers couples the support and guidance necessary to endure this dark period.

Types of Affairs

In today's society, cheating has become easier than ever. With the introduction of social media and technology, new types of affairs have come into existence. It's possible your partner has strayed with someone whom they've never even physically met. Here are the different types of affairs your spouse may engage in:

  1. Emotional: When your partner engages in an emotional affair, they turn outside of their marriage to confide in another individual. Rather than opening up to their partner, the cheater connects to the outside individual and tells them things they feel they can't tell their spouse. Though these types of affairs don't begin physically, the build-up of emotions and attachment can often result in sexual intimacy.
  2. Virtual: Texting, chat rooms, social media – all of these resources create the foundation for a virtual affair. It's easy for an unhappy spouse to unknowingly begin a relationship with someone online; their intentions may have started out innocent, but once contact becomes ongoing, it's no longer honest. Just because the contact doesn't go beyond harmless flirting, doesn't mean it's okay.
  3. Physical: Physical infidelity is the most traditional type of affair. During a physical affair, your spouse will turn to someone outside of marriage to fulfill their sexual pleasures. A spouse who cheats physically might engage in a one-night stand; be caught up in a whirlwind office romance; or regularly have casual sex with strangers. It doesn't matter if it happens one time or five times; if your spouse is sexually intimate outside of marriage, it's time to find an online therapist to help you evaluate your relationship.

Signs of Cheating

Nobody wants to admit their relationship is falling apart, especially if it entails a straying spouse. Denying the situation might make you feel better at the moment, but in the long run, you're ultimately hurting yourself and the relationship you have with your spouse. If you notice any of these signs, you might want to consider the state of your marriage:

  • Your mutual friends are acting strange
  • Your spouse no longer confides in you
  • They start working out more
  • You find condoms or birth control in their pocket
  • Your spouse is quick to accuse you of being dishonest
  • They no longer wear their wedding ring
  • They become more sexually active
  • Your spouse spends a lot of time away from home

These are only some warning signs that your spouse might be cheating. Though some of these are more indicative of infidelity than others, it's possible that several of them – gym regimens, more time at work, higher sex drive – are natural changes in your spouse's life.

How Online Therapy Can Help

The first step towards affair recovery is admittance of the problem. This can be humiliating for both spouses; the cheater might be ashamed of their actions, and the cheated can lose all self-esteem. As such, many married couples feel too ashamed to seek face-to-face counseling.

If your marriage has been affected by infidelity, therapy is essential in moving forward. Online therapy offers couples a means of working through their problems, without leaving the comfort of their home.

Aside from the convenience, online therapy also costs only a fraction of what face-to-face counseling costs. Online therapists are as qualified and able to help your relationship as any other counselor. Once you've found a counselor who accommodates both you and your partner, you will regularly video conference them to work through your issues.

Virtual Therapist Network

The Virtual Therapist Network has many online therapists available and eager to help you save your marriage. Many of these professionals specialize in marriage counseling and have the skills necessary to help you understand one another and to work through your problems. All you need to begin is a webcam with built-in microphone, high-speed Internet, and a quiet place in your home to conduct the online video session.

We work to connect you to a network of counselors and can help you find an online therapist suited specifically for your situation. It's time to finally get the help your marriage needs, without further affecting your dignity or wallet.