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59 Y.O. / Female

Michelle Admine

Ph.D, M.A., M.S., Author, Life Coach
Certified Life Coach
  • My Time Zone: MST (12:25 PM)

How Online Therapy Can Help You Become More Independent

Online Therapy Treatment Codependency

As you get close to someone, it can be hard to imagine your life without them. No matter whether your relationship is romantic, platonic, or purely familial; it's possible to become codependent on anybody.

When you start sacrificing your own needs for the sake of someone else's and the relationship becomes unbalanced, you are demonstrating a passive self that lacks self-worth and self-esteem. Like any addiction, a codependent relationship entails a dependency on another person's behaviors.

Though your intentions might be good, people might interpret your eagerness to please as neediness and suffocating. Codependency is extremely toxic to a relationship and even though it's not technically considered a mental health illness, it is still detrimental that you seek treatment.

"Online therapy offers an accessible and reliable alternative to in-office counseling with the same results, but with less expense and hassle for the patient."

Signs of Codependency

Since it's not a diagnosable condition, the symptoms of codependency vary widely. A person who is at risk of becoming codependent can often be described as a "people-pleaser" with a huge desire for validation. Other signs of codependency include:

  • Perfectionism
  • Sensitivity to criticism
  • Disregard of personal problems
  • Feeling guilty for the other's pain
  • Low self-esteem
  • Hesitation to express thoughts or feelings
  • Discomfort receiving attention or help
  • Desire for control
  • Enabling bad habits of others
  • Feeling internal shame and helplessness
  • Self-worth measured on ability to take care of others
  • Failure to meet personal needs

Even though you might feel the urge to help the person you're codependent on, you may begin to harbor feelings of resentment. Filling the role of caretaker can be tiring, but there is usually some meaning behind your attitude towards the role.

People who feel trapped in the role of the caregiver may complain, but in reality, this concern for another usually provides an escape from their own personal problems. Others may argue that they enjoy being a caretaker and feel the role gives them meaning, but this usually accompanies a denial of unhappiness.

Treatment for Codependency

Codependency is commonly affiliated with low-self esteem and a low sense of self-worth. Because both of these things are formed during childhood, there may be an underlying personal issue that needs to be resolved before you can become more independent.

Psychotherapy is one of the most effective ways to improve your codependency. Unfortunately, in-office therapy is expensive and can interfere with your busy schedule, plus, finding a therapist who you feel comfortable with can be hit-or-miss.

Many online therapists use psychotherapy when handling codependency issues. And, because being codependent can be such a difficult subject to talk about, you might feel more comfortable if you could talk to an online therapist.

The benefits of using an online therapist are:

  • Often Less Expensive Due to No Overhead Costs for the Online Therapist
  • Much More Convenient (Days, Nights, at Home, Work, Traveling, or on Vacation)
  • Highly Accessible (Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone)
  • More Comfortable (Individuals, Couples, & Children)
  • More Private

The Virtual Therapist Network has a wide range of professional online therapists who are trained and experienced in codependency problems and can provide you the online therapy you need in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

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