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59 Y.O. / Female

Michelle Admine

Ph.D, M.A., M.S., Author, Life Coach
Certified Life Coach
  • My Time Zone: MST (8:57 PM)

Online Marriage Counseling: Getting Your Husband Onboard

Find an Online Therapist for Help with Marriage Counseling

There are few things as disappointing and painful as a marriage that failed for lack of trying. You knew your relationship was on the rocks, but your husband refused to acknowledge the extent things had reached.

It's no secret men can be stubborn, especially when it comes to receiving help. Maybe you pleaded day after day for your husband to visit a couple's therapist with you, but something always seemed to get in the way – time, money, his busy work schedule, or his overall denial of the situation.

When your husband just won't budge on going to see a marriage counselor, maybe it's time to bring the counseling home. Online marriage counseling is an easy and immediate alternative to face-to-face counseling that provides comparable results without the cost or effort.

Common Excuses to Avoid Marriage Counseling

Does your husband often use the excuse of a busy schedule to get out of marriage counseling? Or maybe he argues your relationship doesn't need any outside help. Some other excuses your spouse may present include:

  • Too Tired to Go Anywhere After Long Day of Work
  • Time & Fuel Cost of Travel to and from the Counseling Center
  • The Cost of Marriage Counseling
  • Can't Afford to Take Time Off from Work
  • Being Seen by Co-Workers or Family Entering Counseling Center

Though these issues are certainly valid, they only hold truth in face-to-face counseling. With online marriage counseling, most of your husband's complaints are eliminated.

Since the sessions are all performed online, you can meet with your therapist from the comfort of your home at a time that works for both of you. If your husband works all day, nightly sessions after dinner might work best for you. This way, your husband can relax in the living room with you while still working on your marriage together.

Aside from the flexibility and other options online therapy offers, it is also very reasonably priced. Unlike in-office therapy, which can cost as much as three digits per session, online therapy costs only a fraction of what you would normally pay.

What You'll Need?

All online sessions are done face-to-face through video conferencing. In order to make the most of your sessions with both video and audio, you're going to need:

  1. Computer (Desktop, Laptop, or Tablet)
  2. Webcam with Microphone
  3. High-Speed Internet Connection

During your first meeting, your therapist will ask you and your husband several questions to assess the state of your relationship and determine what areas need to be focused on, and how you will work on these areas.

After you establish a foundation with your therapist, you can make appointments as frequent or as far apart as you and your partner need. Each appointment will be performed through video chat, and you will both need to be present unless told otherwise by the online therapist.

Let Us Help

The Virtual Therapist Network has a wide array of online therapists available for you to choose from. If your husband is apprehensive about couple's counseling, we suggest you make one appointment with any of the qualified specialists at the Virtual Therapist Network and take advantage of a free initial consultation. That way, you don't have to go anywhere, but still can meet your online therapist.

Counseling can save a marriage. Before throwing in the towel on your love, explain the advantages of online counseling and emphasize how your relationship could benefit from it. Several relationships have become stronger through couple's therapy, and yours could, too.