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59 Y.O. / Female

Michelle Admine

Ph.D, M.A., M.S., Author, Life Coach
Certified Life Coach
  • My Time Zone: MST (3:28 PM)

Virtual Therapist Network Putting Counselors Back to Work Helping Anxious Clients During COVID-19

For Immediate Release

Virtual Therapist Network: Putting Counselors Back to Work Helping Anxious Clients During COVID-19

Orlando, FL, December 24, 2020 – The Virtual Therapist Network (VTN), announced today it's helping put licensed counselors and therapists back to work helping people deal with the stress and anxiety that may have intensified due to Covid by offering a free 30-day subscription.

While state-mandated isolation orders have left many professionals out of work, the Virtual...

Online Therapists & Counselors Meeting Clients for Online Therapy

Since its inception in February 2014, the Virtual Therapist Network has been both a nationwide advertising platform and HIPAA compliant portal that makes it possible for professional therapists, counselors, and life coaches, within the U.S. and Canada, to provide secure online therapy and counseling to individuals, couples, and families via the Internet.

What is Online Therapy?


Treating Anxieties and Fear with Online Therapy

Treating Anxiety with Online Therapy and Counseling

Anyone who lives with anxiety, no matter the severity, knows first hand just how difficult it can make life; racing thoughts, constant worry, and an overwhelming sense of dread.

Though it's possible to experience anxiety from a single situation, it is usually a symptom accompanying any of these four anxiety disorders:

Those disorders are:

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Post-Traumatic ...

Treating Alcoholism with Online Therapy

Alcohol Abuse Treatment Online Therapy

Most everyone enjoys the occasional beer or glass of wine to unwind after a long, stressful day. Drinking can be a great opportunity to socially interact with others, but many lack the self-control to drink recreationally.

Alcohol is one of the most commonly consumed substances in the nation and is one of the most frequently abused; about one in every 12 American adults abuses alcohol or has...

Surviving Divorce with Online Therapy

Surviving Divorce with Online Therapy

Marriages are meant to last, but circumstances come in life which often disrupt the foundation resulting in divorce or separation. Unless you find a therapist for help with divorce, the end of a marriage can be devastating and one of the more stressful events in your life. Regardless of who chooses to leave, divorce brings a range of difficult and painful emotions such as guilt, confusion,...

Relationship Problems

Being in a relationship is one of the most captivating experiences of your lifetime; especially when you get to know each other, share dreams, and plan for the future together. However, just as every road has its own bumps; relationships have their fair share of problems as well. Some might say, "if you've never argued, you've never dated." Relationship problems are part of the dating...

Providing Caregiver Support through Online Therapy

Family caregivers are instrumental in providing care and support for parents, spouses, children as well as other extended family members who are in need. The reason behind the care could be age-related, debilitating medical conditions, long term disability, illness or a chronic injury. Whatever the case may be, caregivers offer invaluable support which supplements and complements the...

Overcoming Sexual Assault or Abuse

sexual assault & abuse both child adult

As unfathomable as it might be, cases of sexual abuse and sexual assault happen far more often than we might think.

Even though most people think of women as the sole victims of sexual abuse, men also fall victim to this type of abuse.

Find an Online Therapist for Help with Sexual Assault and/or Abuse

Forms of sexual abuse include:

  • Rape
  • Molestation
  • Sexual violence
  • Non-consensual...

Overcoming Grief with the Help of Online Therapy

Five Stages of Grief - Online Therapy

No one can prepare you for the inexplicable heartbreak that accompanies grief.

Mourning and grief are natural responses to a number of factors, including:

1. Loss of a relationship

2. Death of a loved one - human or animal

3. Diagnosis of a terminal illness

Though all things improve with time, for many, grief can cause an individual to enter a very deep depression.

Generally speaking, a...

Overcoming Eating Disorders with Online Therapy

Eating Disorders Treatment - Get Help with Online Therapy

Our society is no stranger to eating disorders; two of the most well-known disorders - anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa - affect an increasing amount of today’s young boys and girls. Other disorders include binge-eating disorder, restrictive eating, and pica.

All eating disorders are characterized by an overall concern with the general appearance and weight of the body. Several factors...

Online Therapy: What it Means for You and Your Family

Mental health issues impact a large percentage of the American population. It is said that one out of every five children suffers from mental health disorders. If that isn't enough, an estimated 43.8 million adults suffer from mental illness at any given point throughout the year. For that reason, it's important to ensure both children and adults have access to therapy so they can seek recovery...

Online Therapy: How it Can Help

Life changes can take their toll. Sometimes family conflict, a new job -- or the loss of a job, addiction, or other changes can cause severe stress and real problems. Many believe we're supposed to be able to figure everything out by the time we're adults, but that expectation just adds to the stress and sense of failure. How can we figure anything out when we may have no experience or...