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Online Therapist Articles: Stress Mgmt. (Coping)

Job Stress: 6 Ways to Tackle It

Job Stress: 6 Ways to Tackle It

Job stress is among one of the leading sources of stress among the American adult population.

Stress entails the perception that you have little to no control over certain situations and yet you feel weighed down by what appears to be significant demand.

Tackling workplace stress is of the utmost importance for your overall health.

Stress is associated with various health issues,...

Coping Skills: Styles and Strategies for Dealing with Stress

Coping Strategies

Psychological stress is a normal response to events that threaten or upset your body system in some way. Whenever you sense danger, whether real or imagined, the defense mechanism of the body kicks into high gear in an automatic and rapid process referred to as fight or flight or freeze reaction.

Coping occurs as a response to psychological stress with the sole purpose of maintaining...

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