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59 Y.O. / Female

Michelle Admine

Ph.D, M.A., M.S., Author, Life Coach
Certified Life Coach
  • My Time Zone: MST (9:08 PM)

How To Fix Your Relationship In 50 Minutes

Online Relationship Help and Counseling

When a relationship is on the rocks, it can affect many other aspects of your life. Whether it's a silly fight over who ate the last slice of pizza, or a matter of infidelity, every argument can seem like the worst when it's between you and your lover.

It's normal to experience highs and lows in any romantic relationship. When two people get together, there's no way to avoid bumping heads every now and then. When both partners are willing to work through their problems, though, therapy offers an excellent means towards recovering your romance.

Online therapy and counseling, at the Virtual Therapist Network, offer equally as effective results at a fraction of the cost of face-to-face counseling, with the added convenience of attending sessions directly from your home.

Once you find an online therapist, you and your partner can begin working towards equilibrium in your relationship. A number of professional online therapists are available, several of which have been specifically trained to handle a number of relationship issues including:

  • Affair recovery
  • Codependency
  • Marriage counseling
  • Communication problems

Conflict Resolution

For the most part, it's necessary your spouse or significant other be present for the session. Obviously, the more sessions you attend, the more your relationship will improve; regardless of this, you will still notice a huge difference in your relationship after just one session.

Too often, unnecessary tension builds between a couple. No matter what stage of a relationship you're in - dating, engaged, or married - it's inevitable that you and your partner will occasionally butt heads. Most of the time, these disputes are nothing serious, and a fight can usually be avoided.

Your online therapist will go through a series of three different stages to work towards improving your relationship. By exercising these stages - observation, understanding, and responding - you will learn how to effectively communicate with your partner to work towards resolving issues instead of worsening them.

After just one session with your online therapist, you and your partner will have acquired several skills, including:

  • Understanding emotional differences
  • Not allowing external stress to influence your relationship
  • Distinguishing negative patterns of communication from positive
  • Calmly expressing your problems

Online therapy is most effective when your partner agrees to get involved. If you have a partner who seems resistant or disagreeable, this might be symbolic of a deeper-rooted issue. If he or she isn't willing to put in the effort to make your relationship work, it can be difficult to make any improvement.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the most effective ways to improve your relationship. Unfortunately, therapy is expensive and can interfere with your busy schedule, plus, finding a therapist who you feel comfortable with can be hit-or-miss.

Many online therapists use cognitive behavioral therapy when handling relationship problems. And, because being problems in your relationship can be such a difficult subject to talk about, you might feel more comfortable talking to an online therapist.

The benefits of using an online therapist are:

  • Often Less Expensive Due to No Overhead Costs for the Online Therapist
  • Much More Convenient (Days, Nights, at Home, Work, Traveling, or on Vacation)
  • Highly Accessible (Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone)
  • More Comfortable (Individuals, Couples, & Children)
  • More Private

The Virtual Therapist Network has a wide range of professional online therapists who are trained and experienced in marriage/divorce and can provide you the online counseling you need in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

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