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59 Y.O. / Female

Michelle Admine

Ph.D, M.A., M.S., Author, Life Coach
Certified Life Coach
  • My Time Zone: MST (12:30 PM)

Online Mental Health Records: Ways to Improve Your Practice

Find Online Client Charting and Management Software to Help Your Practice

The entire healthcare system has been converting to digital charting over the years. Most hospitals and major centers already have, but small clinics and solo practitioners have avoided the process mostly due to the high-cost associated with the cross-over.

That's no longer an issue! Now, there's a great way for behavioral/mental healthcare providers to implement online charting (courtesy of the Virtual Therapist Network) that allows you to increase productivity, while keeping costs typically associated with on-line charting and record-keeping extremely low.

Here are three ways the MHR system helps you improve your office/practice.

Fast, Concise, and Available

It's widely agreed upon by those who use a computer that typing is faster, more legible, and more precise than handwriting. That also holds true with on-line charting where your record-keeping is simplified by relevant form fields that make record-keeping fast!

And, because your record-keeping is digital, you can access your client's records more quickly to add and edit fields for more concise writing.

Finally, by maintaining your records online, you'll have secure access to your client records from anywhere you have an Internet connection!

Abundance of Client Data

The MHR add-on allows you to save relevant data to your client's chart including demographic data, insurance, medications, appointments, assessments, claims, compliance, encounters, goals, and status notes. The ability to comprehensively chart your client on-line makes it both quicker and easier for you to manage your clients, which means you spend less time doing paperwork and more time growing your solo practice and/or small office.

Direct Cost Benefits

Hospitals and large medical centers were able to pioneer the implementation of Electronic Health Record systems as they have an abundance of resources. That isn't the case with small offices and solo practitioners. However, the Virtual Therapist Network has created an online record-keeping system that is disrupting the high-cost industry. Their low-cost solution enables every mental health therapist to introduce digital charting into their practice without having to pay unaffordable fees that make the cross-over cost-prohibitive.

Make the Crossover

The Virtual Therapist Network (VTN) is an audio and video portal therapists, counselors, and life-coaches use to provide HIPAA secure online therapy and counseling to both new and established clients via the Internet. In 2017, VTN launched its own low-cost client management and charting add-on for its members called MHR; short for Mental Health Records.

To learn more about MHR, visit the Virtual Therapist Network.