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59 Y.O. / Female

Michelle Admine

Ph.D, M.A., M.S., Author, Life Coach
Certified Life Coach
  • My Time Zone: MST (11:05 AM)

Online Therapy: Help with Addiction

We Can Help with Addiction

An addiction to anything can be one of the most challenging obstacles to overcome. It takes a lot of strength, self-control, support, and determination.

Addiction extends beyond drugs and alcohol.

Other addictions can be psychologically addictive, which is equally as difficult to overcome, even though they may not have the physical withdrawals.

About one in every ten Americans who are 12 years old or older is addicted to drugs and alcohol. However, out of this percentage, only 11% of those suffering seek help.

The bottom line is: Regardless of the addiction type, it's hard to battle addiction on your own, and unfortunately, many don't win the battle.

Battling addiction may be difficult, but the first step in winning this fight is admitting there's a problem and getting professional help.

If you know you have a problem, but find it difficult to get in-office counseling, online therapy can provide the guidance and support you need all in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

Is Online Therapy for Me?

You might consider online therapy to help you with your addiction if you:

  • Can't find the time during the day to get help
  • Don't want to waste time & gas driving to a therapist's office
  • Have children and need to be at home
  • Are afraid of being seen going to therapy
  • Live too far away from a good & qualified therapist

A big plus for online therapy is you can take the time to browse through as many online therapist profiles as you like; thereby finding a therapist that clicks with you.

While searching for a therapist, focus on finding one who you feel comfortable with and can be available for you day and evening. During your recovery, you may hit some hard lows. That's why it's important to find a therapist who will be there for you and who you can confide in and trust to assist you in every way possible.

What's Online Therapy like?

Online therapy is a lot like in-office therapy. During your first video session, your specialist will ask general questions to get better acquainted with you and your illness. Your history will be a big part of the equation and a foundation to build upon.

Based on the nature of your problem, you and your online therapist will then decide on a treatment plan most appropriate for you.

There are several proven techniques and exercises your therapist will teach you to help you overcome your addiction, practice self-control, and stay grounded. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one preferred method for dealing with addiction. If your therapist employs this method, your sessions will serve as a workshop to help you understand your addiction and understand how to beat it.

These skills are essential to learn and will be instrumental in helping you move forward and not relapse.

From there, you'll continue to meet regularly for video conferences with your online therapist, so they can provide additional guidance, stay updated on the progress of your recovery, and even help you during any moments of weakness.

Another great aspect of online therapy is online therapists are typically more available and can/will meet with you during day and evening hours. This has the added benefit of being extremely convenient, private, and less costly.

Most people think therapy comes with a high cost, but with online counseling, this isn't the case. Many online therapists accept major insurance companies, and most charge only a fraction of the price of an in-office visit due to low overhead costs.

How We Can Help

At the Virtual Therapist Network, online therapy & counseling is a convenient and cost-saving face to face session between a patient and online therapist using a secure and private video and audio (webcam) connection over the Internet.

We serve to connect you to professionals who provide online counseling in a format that makes therapy more effective and enjoyable.

Find an online therapist who is trained and experienced in addiction & dependency and overcoming it.

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