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Dr. John Silver

  • My Time Zone: PST (2:32 AM)

An Online Therapist's 20-Year Voyage through Cyberspace


That was how my psychotherapy practice was listed on America Online or AOL if you were on the 'Information Superhighway' back in 1995 searching for "Therapy in Los Angeles."

Thus began my trip through Cyberspace 20 years ago.

While designing, learning HTML code, and building my first website, I thought FREE EMAIL ADVICE was a good way to get my name out on the World Wide Web as it was called then. At the time, one of my certifications was as a Sex Therapist..

Well, AOL (the main ISP and search engine at the time) serendipitously combined Free Email Advice with Sex Therapist in their search engine results, coming up FREE SEX THERAPY!

That shot me to the top of their searches with anything having to do with Therapy and/or Counseling in Los Angeles.

I played upon this fortuitous event and got myself listed on every mental health directory or listing service possible.

And, for almost 10 years, that little one-page website I created kept my practice filled.

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