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59 Y.O. / Female

Michelle Admine

Ph.D, M.A., M.S., Author, Life Coach
Certified Life Coach
  • My Time Zone: MST (11:48 AM)

Learn to Control Anger With Online Therapy

Get Help Controlling Anger with Online Therapy

Anger is a natural, emotional response that ranges in intensity from mild annoyance to full-blown rage. Everyone experiences anger, and it can be caused by a number of factors – both internal and external.

Like any other emotional response, the feeling of anger is accompanied by certain physiological changes, including:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Increase in blood pressure
  • Increase in adrenaline and noradrenaline levels

When confronted by a possible threat, our bodies channel this emotion so we can respond aggressively to defend ourselves. Of course, this threat can come in the form of a person cutting you off on the highway, or from your own negative or anxious thoughts.

We can't respond aggressively at every situation that incites anger, though, and when you feel like your anger is no longer in your control, it may be time to seek counseling. Online therapy is a convenient and effective alternative to traditional face-to-face counseling and costs only a fraction of the price.

Handling Anger

There are three main approaches to dealing with anger:

  • Expressing your anger: When done in a positive manner, this approach is one of the healthiest ways you can release your anger. It's important to realize, though, this does not mean you should express your aggression. Clearly state what you're feeling, why you're feeling that way, and how others can help appease the situation.
  • Suppressing your emotions: It can be very tempting to bite your tongue when feeling angry. You might feel the initial onset of anger and try to stop thinking about it, instead of focusing your energy on something different. Though it might seem beneficial, this is ultimately a very unhealthy technique. If you don't outwardly express your anger, it can become internal. Effects of suppressed anger include hypertension, depression, and high blood pressure.
  • Calming yourself down: This can be difficult for someone, but it's one of the healthier approaches to handling your anger. Unlike suppressing anger, which controls only the outward appearance of anger, calming yourself down means regulating your heart rate and negative feelings.

If you've tried each of these techniques and still find your anger is uncontrollable, it's time to seek professional help as you may be endangering yourself and others. Finding an online therapist can be extremely beneficial in helping you manage your anger.

Anger Management

It's not hard to tell if you have issues with your anger. You might find yourself lashing out at people without even realizing your behavior until later, or you might react in a way that frightens even yourself.

Individuals who are short-tempered are believed to have a generally low tolerance for frustration, which basically means they have the idea that they don't deserve the frustration they're experiencing. Perhaps it's an inconvenience or annoyance over an issue that really isn't a big deal.

Even though everybody handles their anger differently, there are some factors that might make a person more aggressive and angrier than another, including:

  • Genetics
  • Social upbringing
  • Family background

Online Therapy

Both face-to-face and online counseling are effective in treating problems with anger. While the former method of therapy can be very costly and inconvenient, online therapy allows you to work straight from your home with an online therapist at a time that's convenient for you, all while saving money.

During your time with an online counselor, you will learn different techniques and approaches to managing your anger. Some of these include:

  • Relaxation techniques
  • Breathing exercises
  • Problem-solving
  • Communication exercises
  • Finding humor in the situation
  • Changing your environment

When your personal relationships begin to be affected by your anger, or you start to experience physiological effects from your anger, it's time to seek professional help. Find an online therapist to work with you and help you better manage your anger.

Visit the Virtual Therapist Network for yourself today and find a therapist for anger management, so you can start improving your quality of life right away!

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