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59 Y.O. / Female

Michelle Admine

Ph.D, M.A., M.S., Author, Life Coach
Certified Life Coach
  • My Time Zone: MST (9:16 PM)

Online Therapy Advantages

Online therapy is becoming a very popular and convenient option for individuals, couples, and families needing counseling or mental health help. Although not as prevalent as traditional in-office therapy, online therapy has become one of the best alternatives due to the advances in technology that make it virtually the same as sitting in an office with your therapist.

The Virtual Therapist Network is a place where you can find almost every type of professional therapist imaginable. Once there, you can check their profiles and compare their specialty areas when you need to talk to someone online. You can also search through dozens of online therapists for any of the clinical formats and models. All of the online therapists are friendly and trustworthy and confidentiality is their number one priority. Also, the online therapists have all obtained the highest degrees in their fields of practice, so you can be certain you are receiving the best possible guidance and psychological help there is.

Online therapy sessions are great because no matter where are you physically located you can still talk and see your therapist face to face. All you need is a high-speed internet connection, a web camera, and a microphone. This is the easiest and most comfortable way of getting therapy. Today, more and more online therapists are using this mode of providing their services, as it is a good option for them as well.

Any individual that suffers from a unique or specific psychological problem can make an online search and find an expert for that particular problem. However, in some cities and towns, there aren't a lot of qualified psychotherapists or they may not cover all the psychological areas needed, but that problem is eliminated with online therapy. Now, you can find any online therapist you need for any problem you might have. That is one of the biggest advantages of online therapy, not to mention saving lots of valuable time and money.

At the Virtual Therapist Network, you can choose between the many online therapists simply by searching their specialization, credentials, gender, primary language, or even by whether they accept insurance or not. You can even find therapists that offer different kinds of discounts for their services. Another great thing about the Virtual Therapist Network is they keep membership information to a minimum and they ask for just for basic data such as name, e-mail address, time zone, age, language spoken and reasons for the therapy. Anonymity is great, as there is no search mechanism on the website for anyone to search for your information, no matter whether if someone is a member, non-member or a therapist.

Lots of online therapists are charging very affordable rates for their services, as they do not have extra expenses for offices or extra spaces. All of their profiles include qualifications, therapist type, languages spoken, years of therapy practice, fees as well as reviews from other patients. At the Virtual Therapist Network, you have everything in one place.