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59 Y.O. / Female

Michelle Admine

Ph.D, M.A., M.S., Author, Life Coach
Certified Life Coach
  • My Time Zone: MST (9:04 PM)

Online Therapy: Find a Therapist & Talk Tonight

Online therapy is an effective treatment for emotional and mental problems. However, in order to reap its full benefits, it’s important you find and choose the appropriate therapist. You should select a professional you trust, and one who has the necessary experience to help all the while making you feel cared for. While there are a number of therapists practicing in brick-and-mortar establishments, using a professional who provides online therapy can be more beneficial because of the convenience, privacy, and accessibility of online platforms.

How Online Therapy and Counseling Can Help

Talking to a supportive person about your thoughts and feelings makes you feel better. This is because voicing your worries or discussing something weighing on your mind initiates a healing process that gradually relieves you of your emotional burdens. Usually, people bank on their close circle of family and friends for support. While this may seem a convenient pathway in solving your problems, it must be appreciated that the people around you aren't, in most cases, qualified to give you the support you need to resolve your issues. This is precisely why you need to find a therapist who is professionally trained and who will talk to you online day or night.

These therapists will give you extra support, expert guidance, and an outside perspective that will help you see your problems from a different angle. Counselors are professionally trained listeners who have the ability to help you overcome your emotional challenges, get to the root of your problem, and make positive contributions in your life.

Contrary to popular belief, you can benefit from therapy even if you haven't been diagnosed with a mental problem. A majority of the people seeking therapy do so as a result of day-to-day concerns such as work-related stress, relationship problems, divorce, and self-doubt among many others.

Why Seek Therapy and Not Medication?

Taking a pill each day in an attempt to solve your emotional problems may sound appealing. However, emotional and mental problems occur as a result of multiple causes which medication may not necessarily cure.

Medication can be effective in easing certain symptoms, but this often comes with its own fair share of side effects. Furthermore, medication won't help you fix your relationship, give you insight and direction or help you quit an addictive behavior. As a matter of fact, most medication regimes are expensive, time-consuming, and uncomfortable due to thoughts and emotions that often arise courtesy of the treatment process.

An online therapist will provide you with long-term benefits extending beyond symptom-relief. You will get tools for transforming your life including coping with challenges coming your way, relating with others and building the life that you desire.

How to Find the Right Online Therapist

There is the element of time and work normally involved when searching for a therapist who will comprehensively address your problems. You need a professional that you can connect with and feel comfortable discussing even the most difficult and intimate secrets. In a conventional way, you would ask for referrals from doctors, family, and friends before making an appointment with the counselor. However, technology has made things much simpler and at the click of a button, you can access a wide network of qualified and experienced professionals.

Experience matters and it's one of the reasons why you're seeking the services of a professional therapist in the first place. On the Virtual Therapist Network, you'll find different online therapists with varying levels of experience in treating the issue you have. Normally, therapists specialize in certain areas such as divorce, depression, or addiction. Dealing with the same problems, again and again, helps the therapists to broaden their view and gain more insight.

However, rather than basing your online therapist selection on experience alone, you should also inquire about treatment orientations available. A majority of online therapists blend several treatment options, which may affect the type and length of your treatment.

Online Therapy and Counseling: What to Expect

In as much as every therapist is different, there are similarities as to how therapy is structured and applied. For instance, the therapy sessions will last approximately an hour and are undertaken once or twice per week unless the problem requires more intensive online therapy.

You should look for a good fit with your online therapist; one that understands you and makes you feel accepted. Therapy is not a one-person show, but rather a partnership where your participation and that of your online therapist determine the extent of the healing process. You should, therefore, expect to engage with your online therapist and collaborate at various levels of the treatment process.

Frustrations and painful memories may be a part of therapy, but your online therapist should be able to guide you through various experiences. On your part, you should communicate explicitly how you are feeling to the therapist.

The opening sessions of your online therapy generally provide a platform for you and your therapists to mutually connect. During this time, the online therapist will inquire about your issues and ask a number of questions, so as to understand the history of your physical and mental health. How interactive the sessions will be is totally dependent on you. Feel free to discuss your concerns with the therapist and, where possible, set goals and benchmarks to use in measuring progress.

Online Therapy: How to Make the Most of it

The formula to benefiting from your online therapy is to put into practice what you learn in your sessions. There are lifestyle changes you may have to make in order to improve your emotional health and support your mood. Make a commitment to follow through your treatment even though no one is pushing you to do so because avoiding sessions will only delay your healing process. Being transparent and honest with your therapist when it comes to sharing your feelings will open up underlying issues; making the treatment process thorough and comprehensive. Take advantage of the privacy feature in online therapy to rid yourself of embarrassment and share every single experience without fear.

One of the things you must acknowledge is that mental and emotional problems take effort and time to heal. Therefore, you should learn how to manage your expectations and appreciate even the smallest improvement and change in your life. The Virtual Therapist Network is committed to ensuring you get specialized attention and transformative treatment right in the comfort and convenience of your home.